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When your cooker hood breaks down

  From Wanda
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Unix Joke

A crontab, an fstab, gettytab and a hosts file walk into a bar. 'What'll it be?' asks the bartender. "I'll have something later," the crontab says. The fstab ignores him and hits the dance floor, looking for someone it can mount. "Just a beer," the gettytab says, "but this is the last one. You could say… it's my _terminal_ beer." The hosts file rolls his its at the bad pun, but doesn't order a drink. It just realized that it's got the wrong address… From Bruce

6 Phases of Working – which one are you in?

  Phase 1    You are listening to jazz --  Your first day at  work is great.  Your co-workers are wonderful, your office is  cute,  you love your boss, and your administrative director is the  best! Phase 2 You are listening to pop music --  After a while  you are  so busy that you are not sure if you're coming or going  anymore.   Phase 3 You are listening to heavy metal --  This is  what happens after about SIX Months! 

A Quick medical check

Because I care about you, I want you to get healthy and be around longer! So here is a brief Medical Test Look into this cat's eyes for 5 seconds    Now look into this Labrador puppy’s eyes for 5 seconds   Scroll Down                                                                       Your CAT SCAN and LAB TESTS are now Complete. ...have a GREAT Day!!! Life is short! Forgive quickly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably And never regret anything that made you smile!

How to get a six pack in 5 mins? / Jak w pięć minut wyćwiczyć kaloryfer na brzuchu?

From Kath

Power Cut

From Mike W Power Cut We had a power cut last week and my PC, TV and games console shut down immediately, it was raining so I couldn't play golf so I had to talk to my wife for a few hours. She seems like a nice person.

Polish problems

From Kath